
Bath Bombs / Bath Fizzies Instructions

Posted on 24 Sep 22:09 , 2 comments

Ahhh, relax, lay back and allow the lovely bubbles to fill your bath from your own hand made Bath Bombs 

Whether you create some bathing bliss for yourself, your friends or set up a business (within 1 hour) with your new skills you can be assured of the quality & integrity of your products. 

Using the Renascent bath & Body Bath Bombs/Fizzies kit or supplies it is remarkably easy to create your very own special “bathing bliss” items. 

* Some latex or vinyl gloves for sanitary and protective purposes, you should always wear gloves when making bath bombs as the citric acid will sting if it gets into cuts or scratches. Eye protection is advised as fine powders can be very irritating to the eyes. A Dust mask is advised as the fine powders can be irritating if breathed in.

Click HERE to buy the kit - Including Bath Bomb Recipes

Step 1 – Preparing the area / items:            

Very little preparation is required to create your own beautiful bathing bomb/fizzie. Set out your ingredients, colours, fragrances & additives (if desired). Select a bowl that won’t matter if it gets stained by some of the colours. Glass is best (non reactive)

Fill the spray mister bottle with water and add about 6 drops of coloring.

Step 2 (Using Half your supplies that come in the kit)

¼  cup of powdered citric acid (40gm)

¼  cup of cornstarch or soap dough powder (40gm)

½ cup of baking soda / Bicarbonate of Soda (80gm)

Sift all dry ingredients through a sieve to remove chunks.

Step 3 Mixing

Add a few drops of Pigment colour or Mica Powder to your powdered mix and whisk. Spray mist a few squirts of water carefully whisking so it does not fizz. Using your fingers, gently squeeze to check the consistency of powder; when it can be tightly packed or shaped, stop spritzing (this may take a little while). It should feel like slightly damp sand. Add a few drops of your fragrant/essential oil. Mix well. 

Optional – Add Botanicals / Shimmer / Glitter:

If you wish to add botanicals or flower petals, & / or Cosmetic grade glitter / shimmers gently mix them in or place in mould.

Step 4 Moulding & Setting

Firmly pack mixture into molds. Press together very firmly

Anything can be used as a mould, try ice cube trays, chocolate moulds, jelly moulds, etc. Turn mould over & tap with a spoon to release bath bomb. (If it breaks it may be too dry, whisk with a little more water and try again). Too wet & it will expand, rather than setting in shape.

Allow mixture to set for at least 2 hours (can be sped up to 1hour in the freezer), then pop out carefully. Repeat with remaining powder.

Step 5 – Packaging:  

Once you have created your gorgeous bathing bliss fizzies, you can pop into a bag / jar / fabric cloth / noodle box or any other ideas. Seal in a bag with a ribbon – prevent damp air getting to them which may cause the fizzing process to begin.

When set hard, pop into a plastic bag, twist tie the ribbon on, you can cut off the seal part if you prefer the look.

To get you started & looking professional we have included some lovely full colour gloss printable paper you can use to print labels for your packaging finesse.  

*Note: Alternative colors such as food grade colors, are not recommended as the colors may not ‘fix’ to the salts as well, causing people to slightly dye their skin when using the salts. Also certain food grade colors will fade in different lighting, eg – certain colors fade when exposed to sunlight, others when exposed to moonlight. Food dyes may  ‘bleed’ into each other after mixing is completed if you wish to use 2 colours in the one package and may stain baths. The Renascent pigments have been especially formulated to blend well and remain true in soap /candle / craft making.

How To Make DIY Shampoo

Posted on 23 Sep 00:38 , 0 comments

With a handy ready made base, making your own Shampoo has never been easier.

Make your own personalised Shampoo.

Liquid Shampoo Base is perfect for adding your own fragrances and colours to.

It holds mica pigments in suspension throughout.

It is unscented, with some slight clear to yellow colour. Certified 70.21% Organic Ingredients

To make your own shampoo: Simply add colours and fragrances if desired, bottle up and you are good to go.

Make sure you add DYES if you wan  to colour it rather than pigments which will settle to the bottom over time


Additives to Your Soap Bases:

  • Click HERE for the DIY Shampoo Base
  • Click HERE for 125ml bottles to package into
  • Click HERE for 250ml Bottles
  • Click HERE for Dyes to colour your shampoo - *Soap Dyes: Better than the Pigments (which will settle)
  • Click HERE for fragrances
  • Click HERE for printable adhesive paper for labels



  • Allows production of an Organic certified*shampoo, if the converter/filler has organic certification.
  • Blended with gentle surfactants, that are approved by the Soil Association**, to provide masses of creamy lather.
  • Free from SLS, SLES and parabens.
  • Vegetable origin, enriched with Aloe Vera
  • Has a natural clear to translucent pale yellow colour.
  • No thickening required.
  • Fully formulated base, only requiring addition of organic fragrance or essential oils, with slow stirring. Pre-heating is not essential but warming to 25– 40oC may speed up dissolution.
  • Can be adapted for different hair types through selection of the additives.


Shampoo Base has organic certification from the Soil Association (UK)** to state it contains 70.21%  Organic ingredients. Soil Association organic certification ensures the integrity of the products in relation to the environmental impact of their farming and the long-term sustainability of the crops. No chemical fertilizers or pesticides are permitted in the growing of the crop. The same stringent controls apply in the extraction and refining of the oils from the crop, for example no bleaching or chemical distillation is permitted.

What is Isopopyl Alcohol and What Do I do With It?

Posted on 23 Sep 00:34 , 0 comments

Isopropyl Alcohol is used in soap making to remove bubbles, lower surface tension in finely detailed moulds and allow different layers of soap to stick together.

Isopropyl Alcohol is also called isopropanol or dimethyl carbinol, is a compound with the chemical formula C₃H₈O or C₃H₇OH or CH₃CHOHCH₃.

Used to:

  • Disinfect and sanitise your workspace, a hard surface cleaner that is perfect for lenses, mirrors, glass, keyboards, computer screens and equipment. Also known as IPA, rubbing alcohol, propan-2-ol, 2-propanol and isopropanol is an incredibly handy solvent and cleaner.
  • Spritz over melted soap to remove bubbles
  • Spritz on set layer of MP soap base before (immediately) pouring next layer on to cause a "stick" between layers.
  • In finely detailed moulds a spray into the mould before pouring the melted soap in will allow the soap to fill all the fine details and create a more detailed soap bar with better images.

It is a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor.
Formula: C3H8O
Boiling point: 82.6 °C
Density: 786 kg/m³
Molar mass: 60.1 g/mol
IUPAC ID: isopropyl alcohol
Melting point: -89 °C
Classification: Alcohol

*Caution extremely volatile, flammable, Store the compound in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from heat, sparks, flames and other sources of ignition. Avoid skin contact with isopropyl alcohol. Wear chemical-resistant clothing and protective gloves compatible with isopropyl alcohol.

How to make Fish in a Bag Soaps

Posted on 30 Jul 15:02 , 0 comments

Fish in a bag soaps are undoubtedly one of the cutest soaps you can make.

There's a few tips and techniques that will assist you to get it flowing easily.

You can make the fish from soap, click HERE for our "animals" soap Moulds, we will be adding more fish moulds very soon, you can just drop your fish in the bag or you can wire it to hold it in place, Here's the basic instructions using wire and then without. Scroll down for the advanced tips and ideas.


Simply make a hole with a pin in your plastic fish,click HERE for the plastic fish (ours are designed for soaps and will sink rather than float on the surface. 

Poke the wire through and bend underneath the fish. Click HERE for the Wires.

Pop it into the bag - we use the self seal plastic bags over cellophane as they are more durable, won't easily melt or fall apart, the sealing strip allows the pegs to grip your bag so it doesn't slide through and "sploosh" melted soap everywhere and they don't wrinkle as easily once completed. You can choose any size bag but we use the 4 x 6 inch self seal bags.

You can hold the bag with one hand and pour with the other, get a friend to assist you, use a funnel or pop it in a mug whilst you fill it.

Fill the bag to the desired height (amount) of melted soap base. We recommend Original Ultra Clear as the clearest base. Ensure the soap is not too hot as it may melt the bag and will create bubbles and lose clarity.

Tie the top of the bag, we recommend our Twist Tie Ribbon Bows for ease of use and to make perfect bows every time, click HERE for the ribbon bows.

Plastic Clothes hangers make it easyClip up (we use the $2 shop plastic clothes lines with all the pegs), then taking the wire, move the fish around in the bag of melted soap until it is "swimming" where you like. Allow to set.

Dead fish in a bagThe Fish in a Bag Wires really do make it a lot easier, as they are resusable, super thin, have a firm strength and won't leave a visible mark if removed when just set (not fully hardened). The other benefits include that you will no longer have the awful realisation of  "dead fish" (upside down) in your bags as each fish will swim exactly where you want it to.
Once the soap is set but not fully hardened gently pull on the wire and it will slide out, you can wash it and reuse it.
Snip the top off the seal seal bag, so it is now just a standard bag, containing your fish in a bag soap bar.
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Use the same instructions as above omitting the wire, just drop your fish into the bag and add the soap, once clipped up, use your fingers to move the fish into the corner of the bag and you have a few minutes to manipulate it before it sets and leaves marks.
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If you want to create a fun soap, you can just add the fish to a soap bar without the bag.
Pour a thin layer of clear soap into a mould and press your plastic fish in, allow to set without moving. Once set Spritz with Isopropyl Alcohol and pour a layer of white soap base, allow to set. Unmould!
- - - - - - - - - - 


Using our Liquid Soaps, you can add a little fish in the bottom of the container or use the Shampoo / Bath Goo base to suspend him. Pour half the bottle full, place your fish and then fill up. So cute!


  • Move the fish to the outside of the bag to see it more clearly, even in the clearest soaps, a fish right in the middle of the soap is harder to see.

  • Adding the slightest touch of blue to your soap base will make the "water" appear clearer (We use a drop of blue pigment in water and then add a few drops of the water to the melted soap base so it is only a hint of blue)

  • Take a little Rock Salt and place in a bag with Mica Powder and shake to colour the rock salt with beautiful non bleeding colours, add a small amount of this in the bottom of the bag for "aquarium pebbles"

  • Use our Original Ultra Clear Soap base for the best results: Melt, spritz with Isopropyl Alcohol, Allow to sit and any bubbles or impurities will come to the surface and form a "skin", poke through the skin and pour the underneath soap base it, pour carefully to avoid bubbles.

Colourful, fun, Fish in a bag SoapsHere's the links to the supplies you will need:

Non Colouring Fragrances:

Making Clay Soaps

Posted on 2 Jun 00:26 , 1 comment

Here I will teach you how to make soaps with clay

Clays can be added to your soaps to make them more nourishing to the skin

White clay will assist a MP (Melt and Pour) soap to lather more.


There are 2 main ways to add clays to your soaps:

Option 1:

  • Take approximately .5-1 teaspoon of powdered clay (up to 5gm) per 1 kg of soap base
  • Melt the soap base 
  • Add in the powdered clay, stirring well
  • *Note some may settle and create speckles throughout your soap if a darker clay is used


  • Take approximately .5-1 teaspoon of powdered clay (up to 5gm) per 1 kg of soap base
  • Mix into a little hot water to make a thin paste
  • Melt the soap base 
  • Tip the rehydrated clay into the melted soap base and stire well
  • *You may still get a few speckles, but this method will disperse the clay more evenly

With both options, pour your clay soap base into a mould

Allow to set

Once set, your soap is ready to use.

Soap Making So Easy A Child Can Do It

Posted on 2 Jun 00:23 , 0 comments

If the thought of mixing lye and chemicals frightens you, let us welcome you to the world of Melt & Pour (MP) Soap Making. So easy a child could do it (with a little assistance)
Here a (very young) Emma shows you the simple basics of soap making.

I love the look of satisfaction on her face when she unmoulds (that tricky little soap) and shows the finished product,

Bathing Crystals So Easy A Child Could Do It

Posted on 29 Sep 00:27 , 0 comments

If you think the thought of making Bathing Crystals (also known as Bath Salts, Bath Soaks, Foot Soaks, Foot Baths) is too difficult, we would love to share a video made by our little friend (when she was much smaller) to get you started.


To get you Started all you will need is:

  • Food Grade Rock Salt
  • Renascent Bath & Body Pigment/Dyes
  • Renascent Bath & Body Fragrances or Essence Oils
  • Renascent Bath & Body Cosmetic Shimmers/Micas or Cosmetic Glitters (optional)
  • A mixing bowl or plastic bag (to shake it up in)
  • Some bags/jars to put your finished Bathing Crystals in

Soap Art Making Amethyst Geode Crystal Soaps

Posted on 29 Sep 00:17 , 0 comments

Would you love to make your own hand made soaps that look like gems and crystals? In this instructional DVD you can watch and learn how to make your own, using minimal ingredients. It can even be a fun activity to do with children. By varying the colours you can make different gems and crystals.

Items required for creating this project are: