Practitioner Chi Energy Disc


Relieves the stress from electromagnetic fields. In modern times - a product everyone needs. Copper discs for natural health & healing

Copper Practitioner Ch'i Energy Disc

Personal Use & Healing Modality - Remove energy blockages, clear the aura, rebalance chakras, heal etheric energy breaks, remove negative entities, space clearing for a massage table and / or room. A Practitioner Ch’i energy disc may assist this.

This is the ‘Super’ version of the personal Ch’i energy disc for professional health practitioners, natural therapists & those who work a great deal with health & emotional release and concerns of others.

Practitioners working with the release and balancing of psychic energies will find the ‘Practitioner Disc’ especially helpful as it prevents the ‘pickup’ of releasing negative emotions and psychic dross. The ‘Practitioner Ch’i Energy Disc’ assists to harmonise the body against the vibrations of unnatural man-made electromagnetic fields in the same way as the ‘Personal Ch’i Energy Disc’ with the added bonus of clearing psychic and emotional dross from the aura of the client and practitioner.

Whilst a standard Ch’i energy disc may be worn for general use. The energy from the ‘Practitioner Disc’ is in a much stronger form and in this way it may not be applicable to wear it for long periods. Rather use it in the clinic or wherever healing and balancing is required, especially assisting in the protection of the practitioner and the releasing of unwanted energies. Hence although one disc will be sufficient, the practitioner may like a further disc to remain on their body whilst they are treating their patient.

The practitioners discs comes in to its own with reports from practitioners showing the discs to be able to remove unwanted psychic residue in the aura (psychic attack) and removal of energy residue of geopathic stress in their patients.

Muscle testing or intuition could be used to determine the area of the patients body in need of correction. This area would then be assisted by using the disc on or around the area The disc comes with further instructions as to its usage.

Practitioner discs for healing auric/chakra damage, space clearing a room or massage table.

Practitioner Ch’i Energy Disc

The Ch’i Energy Practitioner Disc may be used in the following manner:

* Passing the disc over the aura of the client will remove unwanted psychic dross in the form of psychic ‘attack’ or ‘repair’ that may have been stuck for some time.

* The disc will assist with the removal of energy residue of geopathic stress in their patients.

* The disc will repair auric tears and psychic scars that have been the result of interference, dross or physical damage.

* The practitioner disc will clear emotional and psychic residue from the healing room, table and from the aura of all who use it. Simply place it on the table,etc for a few minutes.

* The practitioner disc will harmonise on an energy level synthetic substances, such as rubber, plastics, battery operated items, allowing the life energy to pass through them as well as energising food and water.

* The disc will balance Chakras (energy centres) when heldover them for about 30 seconds – 2 minutes each.

* The psychic interference of entities and negative energies will be removed when exposed to the practitioner disc

* Passing the disc over crystals or resting them on it will clear stored electromagnetic fields from them (on an energetic level).

This is the ‘Super’ version of the personal Ch’i energy disc for professional health practitioners, natural therapists & those who work a great deal with health & emotional release and concerns of others.Practitioners working with the release and balancing of psychic energies will find the ‘Practitioner Disc’ especially helpful as it prevents the ‘pickup’ of releasing negative emotions and psychic dross. The ‘Practitioner Ch’i Energy Disc’ will harmonise the body against the vibrations of unnatural man-made electromagnetic fields in the same way as the ‘Personal Ch’i Energy Disc’ with the added bonus of clearing psychic and emotional dross from the aura of the client and practitioner.
Whilst a standard Ch’i energy disc may be worn for general use, use this disc in the clinic or wherever healing and balancing is required, assisting in the protection of the practitioner and the releasing of unwanted energies. The practitioner may like a further disc to remain on their body whilst they are treating their patient.
Muscle testing (Kinesiology), dowsing, intuiting or pendulums may be used to locate imbalances in the client or damage on the subtle level. Once this is located the practitioner disc may be utilised to correct the energy flow and remove the disturbances.

The ancient Chinese Sages, & Healers, Tibetan Monks and Egyptian Priests used Ch’i (Qi) as part of their everyday lives and realised that without it in harmony, illness would ensue leading to the quality of life being lessened. In modern times life is more demanding and our energetic physiology needs assistance more than ever.

The Ch’i Energy Disc is for today’s ‘energy’ demands.